Pariyatti's year-end campaign is underway, until December 31. Our goal is $100,000. Donate Now.

This virtual eBook shelf contains all the eBooks Pariyatti has on offer, related to Vipassana meditation as well as Theravadā Buddhism. The eBooks are listed in alphabetical order (although please note that the articles 'a' and 'the' sometimes determine the position of the eBook title). It is also possible to browse the eBook shelf per language by using the language dropdown menu at the top.

Each eBook listing shows in which formats it is available and, if applicable, provides links to purchase it on Apple Books, Google Play, and Amazon. Most eBooks that we publish ourselves under one of our imprints are available as a free PDF. PDFs are non-printable and meant for reading on a laptop or desktop.

The orange button indicates which eBooks are available as a bundle that includes the re-flowable formats Mobi (for Kindle) and ePUB (for many other eReaders). We keep the prices low for all our eBook bundles at $4.95.

Disclosure: Pariyatti is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program & Apple iTunes Affiliate Program. These are affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to & iTunes.

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