First Course at Dhamma Giri

By | 9/4/2024
Within a few months of the purchase of the land in early 1974, two foreign meditators arrived—Geo Poland, a Canadian, and Graham Gambie, an Australian. After thoroughly cleaning one of the two old bungalows on the property, they each took up residence in rooms at either end and used the central room for meditation. The only other buildings on the property were a spacious but neglected godown (warehouse), the home of spiders and centipedes, and a small shed. At that time, I was a one-course student working and renting in Igatpuri, but I came to the new centre almost daily.

Reflections on the Transformative Impact of the Satipatthana Sutta Course

By | 9/4/2024
The Satipatthana Sutta course I attended in May 2024 follows a structured format similar to a ten-day course. The main difference is that the Mahasatipatthana Sutta, a foundational text in Vipassana meditation, is thoroughly discussed during the evening discourses. Each meditator has a textbook of the Mahasatipatthana Sutta, an empty notepad, and a pencil for personal reflections. The evening discourses systematically explain the Vipassana meditation technique, offering a deeper understanding of how and why we practice this technique in this way.
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