Mind Creates Matter

By | 10/24/2024
Einstein expounded the theory of relativity with a brilliant postulate about the interchangeability of light and matter that took others a long time to bear out and verify firsthand. We also hear commonsense phrases like “mind over matter” that clearly legislate that mind is supreme and foremost entity that is primordial and precedes all other phenomenon.

Water, Water Everywhere

By | 10/24/2024
The Buddhist virtue of generosity (dāna) or sharing (cāga) are well-known. That food is the main thing given is also well-known and a well-established custom. However, the Buddha often spoke of giving things other than food and giving to recipients other than the Saṅgha. One of these gifts that receives little attention and which could perhaps be re-emphasized is the giving of water. In a land such as India in ancient times, where summers could be witheringly hot, where distances between one village and the next could be long, and where most travel was done on foot, the availability of water was not just a convenience, it could be a matter of life-and-death. The Tipitaka contains a dozen or so passages about travellers running out of water while on the road, of people dying of thirst in the wilderness and of anxiety about not having enough to drink when away from home.
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