Our collection of audiobooks, of which the majority can be downloaded and/or streamed for free, contains titles related to Vipassana Meditation, as well as the broader Theravadā Buddhist Tradition.
Most audiobooks we have on offer were narrated by volunteers; some were read by the authors themselves.
Titles by the Buddhist Publication Society (BPS), include Bodhi Leaf and Wheel Publications, such as The Buddha and His Dhamma, In the Presence of Nibbāna, Mettā, and Meditating on No-Self. Another classic BPS title in this section (in print also available as a BPS Pariyatti Edition), is Requisites of Enlightenment by Ledi Sayadaw, which deals with the seven groups of qualities and practices which form the 37 Bodhipakkhiya-dhammas.
The Art of Living, the classic introduction to Vipassana meditation as taught by S. N. Goenka, is as an audiobook available in English and in a number of other languages.
Realizing Change, a collection of experiences from people around the world from before, during, and after undertaking a ten-day course in Vipassana, is one of the titles narrated by the author himself.
Also 'read by the author' are the audiobook versions of the Pariyatti Press titles. Former psychiatrist and Vipasasana teacher in the tradition of S.N. Goenka Dr. Paul R. Fleischman, Ian McCrorie, and Manish Chopra draw from their own experience, knowledge, and observations, and it brings extra meaning to hear them read about their spiritual odysseys and quests for peace in their own voice.
We are grateful to the volunteers who offered their time and skills creating these products so that we can offer them freely. If you wish to help us record more audiobooks, please email us at [email protected].