
By | 9/17/2022


Date: 9/27/2022

Whoa, omg very nice! Beautiful. Thank you.

Udaya B Sathuvalli
Date: 10/8/2022

Such a faithful and beautiful representation of Vipassana. The experiment and the experimenter's observation- so tellingly conveyed. Thank you for the beautiful painting. With gratitude and metta.

Peter Kerr
Date: 10/22/2022


Roberto M
Date: 11/30/2022

That inch-sized spot slowly spread out till the vibrant movements covered the whole body from head to feet and suddenly, he understood the nature of all the thirty- one realms of existence. The mind-matter interactions, their conditionality and dependent origination cannot be stopped running like a non-stoppable machine. Like in a large factory, he saw in detail the tiniest of matter stirred and moved incessantly throughout the body. And often, he seemed to hear the sounds of the motions in circular paths From the book: "A Brief Biography Of Anagam Sayagyi U Thet And His Teaching"

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