Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume 9 Volume 10 Volume 11 Volume 12 Volume 13 Volume 14 Volume 15 Volume 16 Volume 17 Volume 18 Volume 19 Volume 20 Volume 21 Volume 22 Volume 23 Volume 24 Volume 25 Volume 26 Volume 27 Volume 28 Volume 29 Volume 30 Volume 31 This title is out of print. It can be found on PTS' website as a download. https://www.palitext.com/palitext/JPTS_PDF.htm
CONTENTS OF THE Journal of the Pali text Society, Vol I. 1882-4: Report of the Society for 1882 (T.W. Rhys Davids); Lists of Members; Letters from Theras in Ceylon; List of Mss. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (O. Frankfurter); List of Mss. in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris (Leon Feer); List of Mss. in the Oriental Library, Kandy (H.C.P. Bell); List of Mss. in the India Office Library (H. Oldenberg).
1883: Report for 1883 (T.W. Rhys Davids); Lectures by Mr. James Alwis (1. On Buddhism, 2. On Pali); The Late Kenjiu Kasawara (max Muller); Buddha (A.C.Benson); Notes and Queries on Passages in the Mahavagga (Cecil Bendall); Khudda-sikkha and Mula-sikka (ed. Edward Muller); List of Pali Manuscripts in the British Museum (dr. Hoerning); List of Pali Manuscripts in the Cambridge University Library (T.W. Rhys Davids); Pali Manuscripts at Stockholm; List of members of the Society; Balance sheet; Works published in progress, etc.
1884: Report for 1884 (T.W. Rhys Davids); Abhidhammattha-sangaha; Tela-kataha-gatha (ed. E.R. Gooneratne); Notes and Queries (Dr. Morris); Datha-vamsa; Panca-gati-dipana (ed. Leon Feer); List of members of the Society; Balance sheet,etc; Works published and in progress, etc.
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CONTENTS OF THE Journal of the Pali Text Society, Vol II, 1885-7 1885:• Report for 1885 (T.W. Rhys Davids);• Pali Mss. in the Brown University Library at Providence, R.I., U.S. (Hentry D. Warren);• The Cha-kesa-dhatu-vamsa (ed. Prof. Minayeff);• The Sandesa-katha (ed. Prof. Minayeff);• Notes and Queries (Dr. Morris);• List of members of the Society; Balance Sheets, etc., Works published and in progress.
1886:• Report for 1886 (T.W. Rhys Davids);• Nagarjuna's "Friendly Epistle" (tr. H. Wenzel);• The Anagata-vamsa (ed. Prof. Minayeff);• The Gandha-vamsa (ed. Prof. Minayeff);• Index to Verses in the Divyavadana (H. Wenzel);• Notes and Queries (Dr. Morris); List of members of the Society; Accounts; Works already published.
1887:• Report for 1887 (T.W. Rhys Davids);• The Pajjamadhu. A poem in Praise of Buddha (ed. E.R. Gooneratne);• Sima-vivada-vinicchaya-katha (ed. Prof. J.P. Minayeff);Saddhammopayanna (ed. Dr. Morris);• Notes on Sadhammopayana; Index of subjects and words;Notes and Queries (Dr. Morris); Spellicans (T.W. Rhys Davids); List of members of the Society; Accounts; Works already published.
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CONTENTS OF THE Journal of the Pali Text Society, Vol. III, 1888-9 1888:• Report for 1888(T.W. Rhys Davids);• A Glossary of Pali proper names (E. Muller);• Supplementary List of the Pali Mss. in the British Museum (Dr. Hoerning);• List of the donors and subscribers to the Society; Accounts; Texts already published.
1889:• Report for 1889 (T.W. Rhys Davids);• Kathavatthu-ppakarana-atthakatha (Prof. Minayeff);• Notes and Queries (Dr. Morris);• Appendix to Professor Minayeff's Edition of the Kathavatthu-ppakarana-atthakatha;• List of subscribers to the Society; Accounts; Texts already published.
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CONTENTS OF THE Pali Text Society Journal, Vol. IV, 1890-6 1890:• Index to the Jataka (W.H.D. Rouse);• Visuddi-magga. Abstract of Contents (J.E. Carpenter);• Saddhamma Samagaho (ed. Nedimale Saddhananda);• Notes on the Edition of the Udana (PTS 1885) (E. Widisch);• List of works already published.
1891-3:• Report for 1891-2 (T.W. Rhys Davids);• Accounts; Notes and Queries (Rev. R. Morris);• Table of Contents of Buddhaghosa's Vissudi-magga (Henry C. Warren);• List of the Pitakas; Issues of the Pali Text Society.1894-6:• Report of the Pali Text Society;• Catalogue of the Mandalay Mss. in the India Office Library (V. Fausboll);• Index to the Gandhavamsa (Mrs. Bode);• Persecution of Buddhists in India (T.W. Rhys Davids);• Note on Some of the Titles Used in the Bhabra edict of Asoka (T.W. Rhys Davids);• Buddhaghosa's Commentary on the Anagata Bhayani;• Abbreviations of Titles of Pali books (T.W. Rhys Davids);• Further Note on persecutions of Buddhists in India (Prof. Buhler);• List of the Pitakas; Issues of the Pali Text Society; List of Donors to the Pali Text Society; List of subscribers to the Pali Text Society.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THE Journal of the Pali Text Society, Vol. V, 1897-1907 • Report of the Pali Text Society;• Index to Pali Words Discussed in Translations (Mabel Haynes Bode);• On Some Stanzas in Eulogy of the Buddha (Edmond Hardy);• Notes on Political Divisions in India When Buddhism Arose (T.W. Rhys Davids);• The Earliest Rock Climb (Caroline A. Rhys Davids);• List of the Pitakas; Issues of the Pali Text Society; List of donors to the Pali text Society.
1902-3:• A Buddhist Bibliography (Albert J. Edmunds);• Notes on the Enlarged Text of the Mahavamsa Estant in a Kambodjan Ms. (Edmond Hardy);• Moggallana's Saddalakkhana und das Candravyakarana (R. Otto Franke);• Index to Warren's 'Buddhism in Translations' (C.B. Runkle);• Das verhaltniss von Candra's Dhatupatha zu den Pali Dhatupathas (R. Otto Franke);• Rupasiddhi, Moggallana, Mahavutti und Vutti (R. Otto Franke);• List of publications of the Pali Text Society.1904-5:• Jinacarita (text and translation) (W.H.D. Rouse);• The Abhidarma Literature of the Sarvastivadins (Prof. Takakusu);• Collation of the 'Petavatthu' (E. Hardy);• Nirvana (Otto Schrader);• Issues of the Pali Text Society, April, 1907; Statement of account for 1906.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THE Journals of the Pali Text Society, Vol VI, 1908-12 1908:• Report of the Society for the year 1907;• The Buddhist Councils at Rajagaha and Vesali (R. Otto Franke);• Early Pali Grammarians in Burma (Mable Bode);• Index to Trenckner's Notes on the Milinda and Majjhima-Nikaya (Dines Andersen);• Index to the Patisambhidamagga (Mable Hunt);• Addenda to similes in the Nikayas (Mrs. Rhys Davids);• Misprints in Professor Franke's article;• Issues of the Pali Text Society; List of donors to the Society; Statement of account for 1907.
1909:• Report of the Society for the year 1909;• Pali Words Beginning with 's' (Sten Konow, ed. and rev. Dines Andersen);• The Story of Kalmasapada, and Its Evolution in Indian Literature (K. Watanabe);• Die gathas des Digha-Nikaya (R. Otto Franke);• Abbreviations of Titles of Pali books (T.W. Rhys Davids);• • Issues of the Pali Text Society; List of donors to the Society; Statement of accounts for 1908.1910-12:• Report of the Society for the years 1910-1912;• Two Essays on Early Indian Chronology and Literature (Hermann Oldenberg);• The Yamaka commentary from the Pancappakaranatthakatha (ed. Mrs. Rhys Davids);• Two Notes on the Buddha-carita (K. Watanabe);• Abhidamma Literature in Burma (Shwe Zan Aung);• A list of Pali Books Printed in Ceylon in Singahalese Characters (W.A. de Silva);• Issues of the Pali Text Society; List of donors to the Society; Statement of accounts for 1909-1911.
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CONTENTS OF THE Journals of the Pali Text Society, Vol. VII, 1913-23 1913-14:• Report of the Society for the year 1913-1914;• The Namarupapariccheda of Anuruddha (ed. A.P. Buddhadatta);• Some Points in Buddhist Doctrine (Ledi Sayadaw),• Additions and Corrections to the Original Pali of the above, published in Yamaka II Appendix;• Puggala-pannatti-atthakatha (ed. Georg Landsberg and Mrs. Rhys Davids);• Issues of the Pali Text Society; List of donors to the Society; List of donors to the Pali Dictionary Fund; Statement of accounts for 1913 abd 1914.
1915-16:• Report of the Society for the year 1915;• Namarupasamaso (P. Dhammarama);• On the Philosophy of Relations (Ledi Sayadaw);• Corrigenda in Namarupapariccheda (Journal 1913-1314) (A.P. Buddhadatta);• List of issues; List of donors to the Pali Text Society; List of donors to the Dictionary Fund; Statement of accounts for 1914; Statement of accounts for 1915.1917-19:• Rules of the Pali Text Society;• Report of the Society for 1918;• Report on the Pali dictionary work in 1918;• Sacca-sankhepa, by Dhammapalathera (ed. P. Dhammarama);• Cosmic Law in Ancient Thought (T.W. Rhys Davids);• Lexicographical Notes, by the editors of the Pali dictionary;• The Vimutti-magga (M. Nagai);• List of donors; Satement of accounts for 1916, 1917, 1918; Issues or the Pali Text Society.1920-23:• Rules of the Pali text Society;• The passing of the founder;• Report of the Pali Text Society for 1922;• What Has Buddhism derived from Christianity? (T.W. Rhys Davids);• A Milestone in Pali Text Society Work (Mrs. Rhys Davids);• Lists of donations; Statements of accounts for 1919-1922; Issues of the Pali Text Society, 1923.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THE Journals of the Pali Text Society, Vol VIII, 1924-1927 • Objects of the Pali Text Society (third edition);• Rules of the Pali Text Society;• Report of the Pali Text Society for 1926;• Windisch's Work and the Work of Today (Fridrich Weller);• Memories of Ceylon (W. Geiger);• A New Reading of Dhammapada 207 (V. Lesny);• Buddhims and the Negative (Mrs. Rhys Davids);• Maya in a Greek Papyrus (?) (O. Stein);• List of donors to the Pali text Society; List of donors to the Pali Dictionary Fund;• Statement of receipts and payments for the years ending December 1923-26; Issues of the Pali Text Society, 1927.
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Since 1882, the Pali Text Society has published an annual journal composed of short papers relating to the texts or early Buddhist history.
Vol. IX, 1981 Foreword; Abbreviations; The Theravādins and East India According to the Canonical Texts (André Bareau); The Buddhayāna of Indonesia: A Syncretistic Form of Theravāda (Heinz Bechert); The Paṭṭhāna and the Development of the Theravādin Abhidhamma (L.S. Cousins); A New Theravādin Liturgy (Richard Gombrich); The Ghost Word dvīhitikā and the Descriptions of Famines in Early Buddhist Literature (O. von Hinᄌber); Keci `Some' in the Pāli Commentaries (I.B. Horner); Tīrthaṇkara-prakṛti and the Bodhisattva Path (S. Padmanabh Jaini); Fa-hsien and Buddhist Texts in Ceylon (J.W. de Jong); The Philosophy of History in Early Buddhism (D.J. Kalupahana); The Gārava-sutta of the Saṃyutta-Nikāya and its Mahāyānist Developments (Étienne Lamotte); Devas and Adhidevas in Buddhism (K.R. Norman); Humour in Pāli Literature (Walpola Rahula); A Further Note on Pāli gotrabhū (D. Seyfort Ruegg); Pāli Literature in Cambodia (H. Saddhatissa); Some Problems of the Later Pāli Literature (A.K. Warder).
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CONTENTS OF THE Journals of the Pali Text Society, Vol 10, 1985 Foreword;Two Jataka Manuscripts from the National Library in Bangkok (O. von Hinuber);Pali Lexicographical Studies III: ten Pali Eytmologies (K.R. Norman) (=asita, cunna-/cunniya-pada, nikkhamati, paluttha, poso/pose, visamvadeti, vedhaera, samghattana, satipatthana, sammasita);Where's That Sutta? A Subject Index to the Anguttara-Nikaya (Phra Khantipalo);Paramatthavinicchaya by Anuruddha (ed. A.P. Buddhadatta).
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CONTENTS OF THE JOURNAL OF THE Pali Text Society, Vol. XI, 1987 Old Bodies Like Carts (Richard Gombrich);Namartipasamaso by Khema (tr. Hammalava Saddhatissa);The Summary of Mind and Matter (tr. hammalava saddhatissa);Pali Lexicographical Studies IV: Eleven Pali Etymologies (K.R. Norman)(=akkhi(n), ajjhabhava, anugiyanti, anuvicca, gotra-bhu, panabhu/panabhuta, rattannu, vari, bunhi, santhana, sotthana);Kalyanamitta and Kalyanamittata (Steven Collins):Three sopulds, One or None: The Vagaries of a Pali Pericope (Richard bombrich):Minor Pali grammar texts: The saddabindu and Its 'New' commentary (ed. Friedgard Lottermoser);the Oldest Dated Manuscript of the Milindhapanha (O. von Hinuber);References to Pali in 17th-Century French Books (William Pruitt);Pancagatidipani (tr. Ann Appleby Hazlewood.)
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CONTENTS OF THE Journals of The Pali Text Society, Vol XII, 1988 Uttaraviharatthakatha and Sarasamasa (Sodo Mori);Pali Lexicographical Studies V: Twelve Pali Etymologies (K.R. Norman)(=apilapati/apilapeti, a-/sa-ppatihirakata, patihara, paruta, mangura-cchavi, manesika, rakkha, muttha-sati, sandana, samavassare, samudda, sahavya);saddhammopayana translation (Ann Appleby Hazlewood);Two Notes on Visuddhimagga IX (Richard Gombrich);An Additional Note on the Oldest Dated Manuscript of the Milindapanha (O. von Hinuber);Remarks on a List of books Sent to Ceylon from Siam in the 18th Century (O. von Hinuber);A Pali Letter Sent by the Aggamahasenapati of Siam to the Royal court at Kandy in 1756 (Supaphan Na Bangchang).
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CONTENTS OF THE Journal of the Pali Text Society, Vol XIII, 1989 Burmese Manuscripts in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (William Pruitt);Studies in the Pali grammarians I (Ole Holten Pind);The Stupa Cult and the extant Pali Vinaya (gregory Schopen);Patna Dharmapada I (Margaret cone);Pali Lexicographical Studies VI: Six Pali etymologies (K.R. Norman) (=asitta, ghacca, ghanna, niruttipatha, mattigha, gedha/rodha).
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CONTENTS OF THE Journal of the Pali Text Society, Vol. XIV, 1990 The Colophons of Thirty Pali Manuscripts from Northern Thailand (H. Hundius):Studies in the Pali Grammarians II.1 (O.H. Pind);Pali Lexicographical Studies VII: Five Pali Etymologies (K.R. Norman) (gandhana, paret, marissa, vivicca-sayana, sosinna/sosina);Index to JPTS volumes IX-XIV (K.R. Norman).
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TABLE OF CONTENTS for the Journal of the Pali Text Society Volume XV, 1990 Namacaradipaka (H. Saddhatissa);Categories of Sutta in the Pali Nikayas (Joy Manne);On the Very Idea of the Pali Canon (Steven Collins);Khandhakavatta: Loss of Text in the Pali Vinayapitaka? (O. von Hinuber);A Note on Ambapali's Wit (Richard Gombrich);Making Mountains Without Molehills: The Case of the Missing Stupa (Richard Gombrich);Pali Lexicographical Studies VIII: Seven Pali Etymologies (K.R. Norman) (=aharita, chandaso, vac'-uggata, vyasanna, vyamhita, sihavasa, Sugata/Tathagata);Tundilovada: An Alledgedly Non-Canonical Sutta (Charles Halisey);Apropos the Pali Vinaya as a Historical Document: A Reply to Gregory Schopen (Charles Hallisey).
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TABLE OF CONTENTS of the Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XVI, 1992 Ruparupavibhaga translation (R.H.B. Exell);Documents Useful for the Identification of Pali Manuscripts of Cambodia, Laos and Thailand (Jacqueline Filliozat);The Arising of an Offence: Samutthana (O. von Hinuber);The Case of the Murdered Monks (Laurence C.r. Mills);Pali Lexicographical Studies IX: Four Pali Etymologies (K.R. Norman) (=kinti, kevala-kappa, sakaya niruttiya, hevam);The Ritual Obligations and Donor Roles of Monks in the Pali Vinaya (Gregory Schopen);The Raksa Literature of the Sravakayana (Peter skilling).
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TABLE OF CONTENTS of the Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XVII: Exploring the Saddaniti (E.G. Kahrs);Why is a Khattiya called a Khattiya? The Agganna Sutta Revisited (Richard Gombrich);Pali Lexicographical Studies X: Two Pali Etymologies (K.R. Norman)(=sama, dvatthi).
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TABLE OF CONTENTS of the Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XVIII Brah Maleyyadevattheravatthum: Introduction (Steven Collins), Text (Eugene Denis S.J.); The Story of the Elder Maleyyadeva (Steven Collins); Nibbanasutta: an allegedly non-canonical sutta on Nibbana as a Great City (C. Hallisey); Pali Manuscripts of Sri Lanka in the Cambridge University Library (J. Liyanaratne); Pali Lexicograhical Studies XI (K.R. Norman); A Citation from the Buddhavamsa of the Abhayagiri School (P. Sklling); Index to JPTS Volumes IX - XVIII (K. R. norman)
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TABLE OF CONTENTS of the Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XIX 1993: A Survey of the Burmese and Siamese Pali Manuscript Collections in the Welcome Institute (Jacqueline Filliozat);The Commentaries to the Anagatavamsa in the Pali Manuscripts of the Paris Collections (Jacqueline Filliozat);Corrections to The Book of the Discipline (Thiradhammo Bhikkhu);Theravadin Literature in Tibetan Translation (Peter Skilling);External Sandhi in Pali (with Special Reference to the Suttanipata)(K.R. Norman).
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TABLE OF CONTENTS of the Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XX 1994: The Pali Apadana collection (Sally Mellick Cutler);South Asian Flora as Reflected in the Twelfth-Century Pali Lexicon Abhidhanappadipika (Jinadasa Liyanaratne);Kamaloka: A Rare Pali Loan Word in Old Javanese? (Max Nihom);Vimuttimagga and Abhayagiri: The Form-Aggregate according to the Samskrtasamskrtaviniscaya (Peter Skilling);Pali Lexicographical Studies XII: Ten Pali Etymologies (K.R. Norman) (+ (a)pi, abhijana, assa = yassa, kancana, kancanadepiccha, khudda/khudda(ka), je, dhoreyya, barasa, sadhayamanarupa).
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CONTENTS of the Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XXI Case Histories from the Pali Canon I: The Samannaphala Sutta Hypothetical Case History or How To Be Sure To Win a Debate (Joy Manne);Case Histories from the Pali Cannon II: Sotapana, sakadagamin, anagamin, arahat --The Four Stages Case History or Spiritual Materialism and the Need for Tangible Results (Joy Manne);The Nigamanas of the Sumangalavilasini and the Kankhavitarani (O. von Hinuber);Catalogue of the Pali Manuscript Collection in Burmese and Siamese Characters Kept in the Library of Vijayasundararamaya Asgiriya (Jacqueline Filliozat);The Monk in the Pali Vinaya: Priest or Wedding Guest? (Richard Gombrich);The Oldest Known Pali Text from Sri Ksetra, (Janice Stargardt);Report of the Pali Text Society for 1994
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CONTENTS OF THE Pali Text Society Journal Vol XXII, 1996: The I.B. Horner Memorial Lecture 1995: Lexicography, Pali and Pali Lexicography (Margaret Cone);Chips from Buddhist Workshops: Scribes and Manuscripts from Northern Thailand (O. von Hinuber);A Pali Cannonical Passage of Importance for the History of Indian Medicine (Jinadasa Lyanaratne);Studies in Vinaya Technical Terms I-III (Edith Nolot)(Samgha-kamma; adhikarana; manatta, parivasa, abbhana-kamma);The Sambuddhe Verses and Later Theravadin Buddhology (Peter Skilling);List of members of the Pali Text Society.
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CONTENTS OF THE Pali Text Society Journal, Vol XXIII, 1997: Pali, Panini and 'Popular' Sanskrit (Thomas Oberlies);The Paramatthajotikadipani: A Fragment of the Sub-Commentary to the Paramatthajotika II on the Suttanipata (O. von Hinuber);Buddhist Literature of Lan na on the History of Lan Na's Buddhism (Hans Penth);On the School-Affiliation of the "Patna Dhammapada" (Peter Skilling);New Pali Inscriptions from South-East Asia (Peter Skilling);Sariputta and His Works (Primoz Pecenko);Index to JPTS volumes IX-XXII.
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CONTENTS OF THE Pali Text Society Journal, Vol. XXIV, 1998 • Survey of the Pali Manuscript Collection in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (Jacqueline Filliozat);• A Note on King Milinda in the Abhidharmakosabhasya (Peter Skilling);• Supplement to The Concordance of the Buddhist Birth Stories (Leslie Grey);• Additions to the Burmese Manuscripts in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (William Pruitt);• A Note on Dhammapada 60 and the Length of the Yojana (Peter Skilling);• Sources for the Study of the Mangala- and Mora-suttas (Peter Skilling);• Praises of the Buddha Beyond Praise (Peter Skilling).
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CONTENTS OF THE Pali Text Society Journal, Vol XXV, 1999: • Studies in Vinaya Technical Terms IV-X (Edith Nolot);• The Sixty-four Destructions According to the Samskrtasamskrtaviniscaya (Peter Skilling);• Intermediate Existence and the Higher Fetters in the Pali Nikayas (G.A. Somaratne);• Remarks on the Rasavahini and the Related Literature (Junko Matsumura).• Index to JPTS Volumes IX-XXIV
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CONTENTS OF THE Pali Text Society Journal, Vol XVI, 2000: • Jain-Buddhist Dialogue: Material from the Pali Scriptures (Nalini Balbir)• The Legend of the Establishment of the Buddhist Order of Nuns in the Theravaada Vinaya-Pi.taka (Ute Hsken)• Tuva.t.tati / tuva.t.teti Again (oskar von Hinber)• Playing with Fire: The pratiityasamutpada from the Perspective of Vedic Thought (Joanna Jurewicz)• The Cause of the Buddha's Death (Mettanando Bhikkhu & Oskar von Hinber)• Laan-2 Na as a Centre of Pali Literature During the Late 15th Century (Oskar von Hinber)• Nine Pali Manuscripts in the Vatican Library (Jacqueline Filliozat)• Book Review (Catalogue of the Burmese-Pali and Burmese Manuscripts in the Library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine ) (KR Norman)• Index of the Grammatical Points Discused in the Notes to the Elders' Verses (KR Norman)• Combined Index of KR Norman's Collected Papers I-VII (A Roock)
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CONTENTS OF THE Pali Text Society Journal, Vol XXVII, 2002: • Notes on Sri Lankan Temple Manuscript Collections (Anne Blackburne)• Liinatthapakaasinia and Saaratthamañjuusa: The Puraa.na.tiikaas and the .Tiikaas on the four Nikaayas (Primoz Pecenko)• A study of the Campeyya Jaataka, Including Remarks on the Text of the San.khapaala Jaataka (Thomas Oberlies)• The Colophons of the Burmese Manuscripts (Heinz Braun)• On a New Edition of the Syaamara.t.thassa Tepi.taka.t.thakathaa (Peter Skilling)• Some Citation Inscriptions from South-East Asia (Peter Skilling)• An Index to JPTS Volumes IX – XXVII
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Since 1882, the Pali Text Society has published an annual journal composed of short papers relating to the texts or early Buddhist history.
Table of Contents:
1. 'The Anāgatavaṃsa Revisited' by K.R. Norman, pp. 1-37 2. 'Sri Lankan Manuscriptology' by Jinadasa Liyanaratne, pp. 39-48 3. 'Sāriputtas Three Works on the Samantapāsādikā' by Kate Crosby, pp. 49-59 4. 'The Canonicity of the Netti and Other Works' by Peter Jackson, pp. 61-62 5. 'Mythology as Meditation : From the Mahāsudassana Sutta to the Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra' by Rupert Gethin, pp. 63-112 6. 'Jātaka and Paāsa-jātaka in South-East Asia' by Peter Skilling, pp. 113-73 7. I.B. Horner Lectures, p. 174 8. An Index to JPTS vols 9-28, pp. 177-183
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Since 1882, the Pali Text Society has published an annual journal composed of short papers relating to the texts or early Buddhist history.
Vol. 29 of the Journal of the Pali Text Society is a Festschrift to commemorate the eightieth birthday of K.R. Norman (2005) and the 125th anniversary of the founding of the PTS (2006).
O. v. Hinber. Preface
Allon, Mark. A Gandaari Version of the Simile of the Turtle and the Hole in the Yoke
Balbir, Nalini. Three Pali Works Revisited
Bodhi, Bhikkhu. The Susima-sutta and the Wisdom-Liberated Arahant
Collins, Steven. Remarks on the Third Precept: Adultery and Prostitution in Pali Texts
Cone, Margaret. caveat lector
Crosby, Kate. Sankhepasarasangaha: Abbreviation in Pali
Dundas, Paul. A Note on the Heterodox Calendar and a Disputed Reading in the Kalakacaryakatha
Gethin, R.M.L. Whats in a Repetition? On Counting the Suttas of the Samyutta-nikaya
Hara, Minoru. A Note on vinaya
Jaini, Padmanabh S. A Note on micchaditthi in Mahavamsa
Kahrs, Eivind G. Further Reflections on Buddhism and Philology
Kieffer-Plz, Petra. Stretching the Vinaya Rules and Getting Away with It
Lienhard, Siegfried. On the Correspondence of Helmer Smith and Gunnar Jarring
Mori, Sodo. Recent Japanese Studies in the Pali Commentarial Literature
Pruitt, William. The Career of Women Disciple Bodhisattas
Salomon, Richard, and Stefan Baums. Sanskrit Iksvaku, Pali Okkaka, and Gandhari Ismaho
Schmithausen, Lambert. On Mahayanasutralamkara VII.1
Schopen, Gregory. The Buddhist Bhiksus Obligation to Support His Parents in Two Vinaya Traditions
Skilling, Peter. Zombies and Half-Zombies: Mahasutras and Other Protective Measures.
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Since 1882, the Pali Text Society has published an annual journal composed of short papers relating to the texts or early Buddhist history.
Vol. XXX, 2009 Primoz Pecenko, 1947 - 2007 (Mark Allon)
The History of the Nikāya Subcommentaries (ṭīkās) in Pāli Bibliographic Sources (Primoz Pecenko)
Susīma's Conversation with the Buddha: A Second Study of the Susīma-sutta (Bhikkhu Bodhi)
On Translating Literally (K.R. Norman)
Bibliography (K.R. Norman)
The Buddha's Truly Praiseworthy Qualities: According to the Mahāsakuludāyi-sutta and Its Chinese Parallel (Bhikkhu Anālayo)
A Small Problem of Tense and Person: Dhammapada 306 and Its Parallels (Jonathan Silk)
Corrigenda et postscriptum for "On the Correspondence of Helmer Smith and Gunnar Jarring" (Siegfried Lienhard)
An Index to JPTS, Volumes IX-XXX
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Contents 1. The Law of Theft: Regulations in the Theravada Vinaya and the law Commentaries by Petra Kieffer-Pulz 2. Pali Grammar and Grammarians from Buddhaghosa to Vajirabuddhi: A Survey by O.H. Pind 3. Kern and the Study of Indian Buddhism: With a Speculative Note on the Ceylonese Dhammarucikas by jonathan A. Silk 4. Two Letters from Ledi Sayadaw to Mrs Rhys Davids edited by Eric Braun and William Pruitt 5. An Index to JPTS, Volumes IX-XXXI