In Service to Circumstance

By | 2/20/2022

The Buddha's inheritance Danel Cove
is enlightenment's imminence 
in a lineage of eminence 
and unequaled benevolence.
The path that he represents 
is walked in full confidence 
by disciples of excellence 
beyond all comparisons.

To these I make deference 
in lines filled with reverence; 
to these I make reference 
in words of relevance 
revealed with elegance 
and subsequent eloquence,
wrought by intelligence 
for devotional sustenance 
devoid of all sentiments, 
and warmed in the resonance 
of pureness of presence -
of objective experience, 
nearing an innocence 
in sense-felt incidents 
of ephemeral elements.

Sensation and sentience 
bear wisdom's developments 
when tangible transience, 
discerned in severance, 
effaces the influence 
of imagined invariance, 
undoing the inference 
of apparent perpetuance, 
evincing the evidence 
of inconstancy's dominance.

Perceiving the prominence 
of continual difference, 
with patience and diligence, 
persistence and vigilance, 
an absence of preference 
lets insight take precedence, 
lessening our ignorance 
of passing's full prevalence, 
hindering each hindrance 
to purity's continuance; 
impeding defilements
and defeating impediments 
that obstruct our transcendence 
from existence in sufferance.

Change is the provenance 
of decisive deliverance; 
for freedom is consequence 
when clearly one comprehends 
that truth has no accidents 
and all is impermanence.


Date: 2/28/2022

Awesome! Thank you. .

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