If you are having trouble streaming audio or video, it may be due to lack of MP3 support in your browser. We suggest you use current versions of Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer as they all support MP3 playback.

To download an item, choose your language if available and then simply click on the green download button. This should automatically begin the download onto your computer or device. It will save in whatever folder is set as the default on your computer or whatever folder you have set to save it in (ie. Downloads, or on your Desktop, etc).

iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch users:
If you are unable to download a product, you may need to install a download app from the App Store. You can also use Apple Support to transfer files from iTunes to your mobile device.

For MP4 Videos: If you are having difficulty playing a video on your computer, you may need to download a free video player such as Quicktime

eBook Formats: Please note the file type you are downloading, as different formats are intended for different devices. We offer eBooks as mobi (Kindle), ePub (iPad, Android, Nook, other e-readers) and PDF. PDFs are designed for use on computers and may or may not display properly on eBook readers and other devices.

Using PDFs on Kindles is hit-or-miss as there are various versions of Kindles and different PDF settings which may or may not work properly with the Kindle you have. To read eBooks on Kindles we recommend using the Mobi eBook format. Some titles are available from Pariyatti in the mobi format, and these titles can also be purchased directly from Amazon, from where they will automatically load on your Kindle.

If download links are not working or you are experiencing other troubles, please contact us at [email protected]

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